Sapient Strategic Advisors

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The New Normal: A Spot Check from has posted the results of an interesting survey that polled executives about the impact of the recession on their organizations.  In my opinion, some of the interesting statistics are:

  1. Over 1/3 of those polled believe they'll see an uptick in their services as late as the 4th quarter 2010.
  2. 40% of companies believe that the downturn has resulted in a worsening of their relationship with employees.  Remember, this is the executive's perception.  I'm inclined to believe that the number is actually higher.  Even if the 40% number is accurate, it still represents a talent management issue when the economy turns upward.
  3. 56% believe the recession yielded a reduction in overall headcount while preserving talent.  This statistic might be true, but I'd like to remind those executives that it's relatively easy to reduce headcount while preserving talent when a sluggish economy makes it difficult for that talent to jump ship.  Similar to point 2, the real proof will be when the economy picks up.

Overall, an interesting survey.  Thanks to CFO Research Services and American Express for publishing it.

Source: - The New Normal: A Spot Check

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