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Shanghai continues to be top choice for regional headquarters

Shanghai continues to attract the notice of Western companies seeking to establish a regional headquarter in Asia.  An article at Shanghai Daily notes that 24 more companies have elected to establish their regional headquarters in Shanghai.  These companies include Walt Disney, Kraft Foods and Novartis International. 

An excerpt from the article:

THE Walt Disney Co, Kraft Foods Inc and Novartis International AG are among 24 multinational companies that decided to move their regional headquarters to Shanghai.

It pushed the total number to 795 - including regional research and development centers - and maintained the city's status as China's top destination for regional headquarters of multinationals.

"The growing number demonstrated foreign companies' recognition of Shanghai's overall environment for foreign investments," said Sha Hailin, chairman of the city's Commission of Commerce. "It also came at a special moment when the World Expo was held in Shanghai, which greatly boosted the city's awareness among many foreigners."

The article also notes that Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in Shanghai grew 4.5% in 2009 (year over year) despite the global economic downturn.