Sapient Strategic Advisors

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Finance Transformation Gone Wrong - Lack of Senior Level Support

Note: This post is part of a series on the challenges of transformation and how to overcome them.

Lack of Senior Level Support

Every project has a senior sponsor, at least in name.  But here's the rub - people aren't stupid.  They understand when a project has the backing and support of senior management and when someone's just there for window dressing. 

The Executive Sponsor plays an important role by setting the tone of the engagement and ensuring the project has the right skills and funding to be successful.  A common shortcoming in senior level support is the Sponsor who attends the kick-off, says a few words, and then disappears from sight.  Sure, they may show up at the steering committee meetings once a month, but the regular troops rarely see or hear from the sponsor again.  Real sponsorship is present in word and deed, and is highly visable to the people on the front line engaging in transformation.  What are some of the things an Executive Sponsor can do to ensure a successful transformation initiative?  Glad you asked.

  1. Create a compelling vision and effectively communicate that vision.  People need to know where they're going and what value they will be creating.  A lack luster vision usually leads to lackluster results, as it's difficult to sharply focus energy and attention on a vaguely defined mission.
  2. Create a guiding coalition.  Yeah, I got this from John Kotter at Harvard University, but he's a pretty smart guy.  An Executive Sponsor can't do it alone.  He or she needs a team of experienced and influential leaders who know how to get things done.
  3. Pave the way with resources.  That could mean getting the budget to bring in the proper skills to a project or ensuring that a company's IT systems have what they need to be properly built, tested and deployed.
  4. Overcome organizational resistance. In any project there will be those that benefit from the status quo.  The Executive Sponsor should be aware of resistance to the initiaitve and work to overcome it.

This list is by no means exhaustive, but strong project sponsorship can mean the difference between success of failure for transformation initiatives.