Case Study

Industrial and Defense Manufacturing Company

Client challenge

  • Company had multiple lines of business in both the commercial and defense industries

  • An existing Shared Services Organization (SSO) serviced all lines of business but had an inconsistent service catalog

  • The existing SSO benchmarked poorly against top quartile companies


  • Conducted a number of workshops with representatives from the lines of business in both North America and Europe to determine the future state service catalog

  • Developed a standard service catalog designed to increase volume at the SSO and improve productivity metrics based on economies of scale

  • Developed a roadmap to move existing services from the lines of business to the North American and European service centers

Impact on client's business

  • Created standard service catalog and freed up the lines of business to focus on the key activities that differentiated the company in the market

  • Provided roadmap to facilitate a logical transition from the lines of business to the SSO