Companies not eager to convert to IFRS

A new survey out by KPMG and the Financial Executives Institute reveals that companies don't plan to convert to IFRS until they have to, even if there is an early adoption period.  The survey polled 900 accounting and finance executives.  Here are some of the highlights:

  • 75% of companies said they would wait until they were forced to convert before the did so,
  • Only about half the respondents expect the SEC to make a decision in 2011, which is the published timeline for making that decision,
  • 65% of executives are worried about implementation costs,
  • 88% believe the adoption of IFRS by the United States will increase comparability of financial statements around the world,
  • 57% say that the convergence of U.S. GAAP and IFRS is the best approach,
  • Only 30% would like to see the U.S. establish a specific date for adoption

You can read the full article here: Ready But Not Eager for IFRS