Finance as a Catalyst for a Successful Merger or Acquisition

Editor's Note: This is the first of a multi-post series discussing the impact that Finance can have in a merger or acquisition.

Your company has just announced a pending merger or acquisition, and the Finance organization has a key role in the successful integration of the acquired asset.  As part of integration effort, the Finance organization must develop and execute a plan that effectively integrates the new business while controlling cost and risk.  The decisions Finance makes are critical to realizing the anticipated value creation and its ability to communicate that value to stockholders, creditors and other relevant stakeholders.  

The challenge is bucking the historical trend of mergers and acquisitions.  Studies have shown that many mergers and acquisitions fail to deliver the anticipated increase in shareholder value.  In fact, some mergers and acquisitions have been known to actually destroy shareholder value.  It doesn’t have to be that way.  Thoughtful planning and careful execution of the integration program can increase shareholder value and create the scalable platform necessary to support future growth.

Leadership at all levels of the Finance organization is required to successfully drive the integration effort.  Executive sponsorship will be most effective when it is visible and committed to providing the necessary resources for a successful integration.  Leading companies also commit dedicated leaders to each focus area to ensure that proper attention is given to the integration program while maintaining the leadership and staff necessary to run the existing organization during the integration period.

The table below highlights six focus areas that are essential to any merger or acquisition.  Proper planning and methodical execution are the keys to a successful integration.

Table 1: Top Focus Areas for Finance Integration

  In subequent posts I'll discuss each of these areas in more depth.